
BCI Awards Ceremony 2021/22


The Benedict XVI Catholic Institute of Higher Education (BCI Campus) held its annual Award Ceremony on 17th July 2022 celebrating the academic achievements of its students. Most Rev. Dr. Harold Anthony Perera, President of Catholic Bishop’s Conference graced the occasion as the Chief Guest. The event was graced by the distinguished guests, Principals of surrounding National Schools, BCI academics, parents and the students. During the event 320 received Diploma Awards for completing the Aquinas English Diploma, while a several students with Merit passes for ICT courses also received their certificates.

Addressing the students, Most Rev. Dr. Harold Anthony Perera said that tertiary education will pave the way for better opportunities for students.  “Education is a process of training the mindset, hearts and abilities of the people, so that they can acquire acknowledge and develop skills. Therefore, the benefits of tertiary education are very critical in today’s society since it allows a variety of job opportunities for individuals who pursue higher studies.  People with tertiary education have better prospects as well as higher recognition in society. BCI paves the way for the students to target the job market and create a demand for themselves with skills and language proficiency”, His Lordship said.

The awardees were uniformly outfitted with the graduate cloaks, typical blue sash matching BCI colours and received the diploma scroll on stage. BCI choir entertained the audience with heavenly voices with a Gregorian chant and a time song “Imagine”.