
BCI Codemize 22’


BCI fashions her students with the knowledge, skills, attitude, and mindset (KSAM) needed to face the high-tech world. In order to achieve this goal, BCI organizes various events that are educational, cultural, and entertaining. These events provide the students with the opportunity to learn and explore new knowledge and skills.

Marking a remarkable milestone in the history of BCI, “Codemize 22” was organized by the undergraduates of the School of Computing for the first time. It was an IT-based one day workshop with a keynote adder and a series of competitions. What is more important is that the software and the related platforms utilized during the event were all originally crafted by BCI Undergrads (BSc Hons in IT – 2nd Year).

The event commenced with the keynote address by Dr. Thushari Silva (Data Scientists in AI and ML), a Senior Lecturer at the University of Moratuwa and a Visiting Lecturer at BCI Campus. She enlightened the students on “The future of IT industry and career paths available”.

The next session was the competition series in 5 rounds based on the software, hardware, web development applications, eventually quiz and puzzle rounds.

The students for of BCI IT short courses were the first ever fortunate group to participate the Codemize 22’. There were 10 groups with 10 members for each with a specific group name assigned. It was a very interactive day of knowledge sharing, team work and analytical thinking, whilst for many students, it was an eye-opener of the horizons in the IT industry and the career paths.

BCI School of Computing will expand the Codemize 23’ as a free workshop for GCE O/L students. It will be an inter-school competition series with 50 schools participating from Negombo, Minuwangoda, Gampaha, and Chilaw educational zones.