
Panel Discussion on Entrepreneurship for the Undergraduates


“Panel Discussion on Entrepreneurship” was held at the BCI Campus auditorium on the 24th of April 2021. The event was mainly focused on the students enrolled for the BRIDGE — a foundational programme for the undergraduates of the BBM (Hons) and BSc (Hons) in IT degrees. The panel was a fine mix of industry experts from different areas of business. Mrs Ramani Fernando, founder and owner of Ramani Fernando Salons; Mr Praveen Muttukumaru, founder and owner of PE ENTERPRISES (PVT) Ltd, the publisher of Fitness & Sports magazine and the owner and operator of Fitness House gym; Mr Udayanga Weerarathne, corporate trainer and entrepreneur participated as the panelists for the discussion.
The purpose of the event was to instruct the fundamentals of entrepreneurship, while sharing the experience of the panelists in their journey of becoming successful entrepreneurs of Sri Lanka. The event was successfully concluded with a Q&A session where the students were able to clarify their doubts with the valuable comments of the distinguished panelists.”